Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Transportation, Department of

Total entries: 83   (Listed alphabetically by title)

0484-16-002 | Transportation Rural Planning Project File

Description:  Records documenting road planning for rural areas of the State. Records series may include but is not limited to the following: Coverage counts and estimates of ADT (Form HPS-T-83, maps, Collision diagrams, interchange study, traffic capacity study, turning movement diagram, traffic assignment diagram, correspondence with the Federal Highway Administration, request for study, cost estimates, origin and destination information, requests for program approval (Form PR-48), and correspondence with members of the state legislature and local officials.

Retention:  Retain in office

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-16-001 | Transportation Study File

Description:  This records series relates to the creation of a transportation file for urban areas with a population in excess of 50,000. Documents include: Legal agreements, minutes of meetings, physical inventory of ground conditions, street classifications, travel routes, social economic data, maps, and letters of approval and/or authorization.

Retention:  Retain in office

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-16-004 | Transportation Traffic Analysis File

Description:  Records documenting road planning and analysis of traffic patterns within urban areas of the State. Records series may include: Project planning data request, traffic analysis project reports, maps, traffic assignment diagrams, traffic touring diagrams, traffic analysis study, coverage counts, and estimates of ADT (EDP) report.

Retention:  3 years after FHWA final payment of project.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-26-005 | UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Flight Reports

Description:  This record series documents the Flight Operations Reports of every GDOT UAS flight over human beings. Reports under this waiver contains: pilot's name and office, address of UAS flight, mission type, date of flight, name of visual observer, weather conditions, and latitude and longitude location.

Retention:  90 days after expiration waiver.

Updated:  April 27, 2021

0484-10-001 | Underground Storage Tank Petroleum Reports

Description:  Records documenting the location and monitoring of underground storage tanks, including the fuel inventory at each bulk petroleum fuel site.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-22-005 | Vehicle Classification Data File

Description:  Documents relating to the compilation of vehicle classification data including vehicle classification code sheets and data report (Form 12-4049-11).

Retention:  Retain in office

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-30-003A and 0484-30-003B | Visitor Rest Area Comment Cards

Description:  Comment Cards that visitors complete at state rest area locations.

Retention:  (0484-30-003A) With accident/injury reported: 4 years; (0484-30-003B) All other cards: retain until end of calendar year

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-31-001A and 0484-31-001B | Warehouse Supplies and Inventory Control File

Description:  Documents relating to the control of cost accounting system for warehouse inventories and shop repair orders including 592 warehouse issue form.

Retention:  (0484-31-001A) Warehouse issue form: 20 years after project closeout; (0484-31-001B) All other documents: 3 years.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

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