Total entries: 106 (Listed alphabetically by title)
Description: Records documenting the plan for how a drinking water system is being monitored for the presence of contaminants in the water and the results of that monitoring.
Retention: 12 years
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: Records relating to inspections and enforcement for lead based paint and asbestos projects and certifications. These records include inspection reports, checklists, notices of violation, and correspondence.
Retention: 15 years
Updated: April 18, 2019
Description: Records related to certification of individuals as lead inspectors, lead risk assessors, lead supervisors, lead project designers, or lead workers. Documents include: certification applications, issued certificates, correspondence.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: April 18, 2019
Description: Records documenting the need for leadbased paint abatement and the departmental approval to proceed with the removal.
Retention: 3 years
Description: Records related to accreditation of providers permitted to offer lead-based paint and renovation activities training courses. Documents include: accreditation applications, documentation of issued accreditation, training course materials, correspondence.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: April 18, 2019
Description: Records related to the certification of firms to perform lead-based paint activities and renovation activities that result in the disturbance of painted surfaces. Documents include: certification applications, issued certificates, correspondence.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: April 18, 2019
Description: Records demonstrating compliance by drinking water systems with federal rules governing how to test for and control the cryptosporidium parasite. Includes cryptosporidium monitoring results submitted by drinking water systems as required by federal regulations, bin classifications and oocysts/liter determinations performed by the agency, and related correspondence.
Retention: 22 years
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: Documents related to the enforcement of gasoline transportation and gasoline dispensing facilities. Record types include, but not limited to, original test reports from transport companies, copies of original enforcement actions, forms notifying EPD of vapor recovery tests, test reports, and compliance survey forms
Retention: 10 years
Updated: October 20, 2021
Description: Records relating to the releases from Pipelines, Petroleum Non-Underground Storage Tanks, and Non- Regulated Underground Storage Tanks, including notifications, complaints, investigation documents, correspondence, analytical data reports, corrective action reports, no further action letters. Excludes records subject to 0462-0043, 0462-0050.
Retention: 40 years
Updated: April 18, 2019
Description: Documents related to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), land application system (LAS), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), buffer variance, and pretreatment compliance and enforcement files. May include, but are not limited to, inspection reports, compliance status letters, compliance general correspondence, investigation reports, spill reports, pretreatment general correspondence, over views, complaint documentation, buffer variance enforcement actions, storm water pollution prevention plans, letter of violation (NOVs, NDL, DNC, etc.) corrective action and standard operating procedure general correspondence, recission letters, copies of executed orders, penalty rationales, public participation documentation, progress reports, corrective action plans, and standard operating procedures. Excludes files subject to 0462-0115A and 0462-0115B.
Retention: 15 years
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: Documents related to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Land Application System (LAS), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), Buffer Variance, Erosion & Sedimentation (E&S), and Storm water approved ordinances and programs. Includes sewer Use Ordinance, Pretreatment Ordinances, Sludge Management Plan, Nutrient Management Plan, application, Local Issuing Approval certification/approval letter, and ordinance.
Retention: Until superseded
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: Documents related to monitoring of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), land application system (LAS), municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), Erosion & Sedimentation (E&S), buffer variance & pretreatment permittees and systems. May include discharge monitoring reports, discharge monitoring report quality assurance reports, metro district reports and audits, and annual reports. Excludes files subject to 0462-0115A and 0462-0115B.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: Documents related to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Land Application System (LAS), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), Buffer Variance, Erosion & Sedimentation (E&S), Underground Injection Control (UIC), and Pretreatment permits and variances. May include Issued permit or variance, application, permit modifications/renewals, public participation documentation (public hearings), permit correspondence, plans and specifications, individual construction stormwater permits, industrial stormwater or MS4 notices of intent (NOI), Buffer variance correspondence used to reflect issuance, and Storm Water Program Plan, Excludes files subject to 0462-0115A/0462-0115B and 0462-0114A/0462-0114B.
Retention: (0462-0058A) Plans and specifications: Useful life; (0462-0058B) All other files: 15 years
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: Records validating and used to evaluate EPD surveying equipment. Records, Calibration, and Quality Control documents; tests regarding leakage
Retention: 10 years
Updated: April 25, 2018
Description: Initial applications to work in Georgia under another state or federal license or certificate, Approval, Correspondence, Inspection Reports, Statements, and Corrective Actions.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: April 25, 2018
Description: Records related to safety procedures and training conducted by the EPD for entities handling radioactive materials. Records include course material or curriculum, documentation of training received by EPD personnel related to performance of site inspections and enforcement of the Rules and Regulations for Radioactive Material, documentation of EPD personnel participation in nuclear power plant exercises evaluated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, etc. Excludes files subject to GASC 06-012 (Employee Hazardous Materials Exposure Monitoring Records).
Retention: 16 years
Updated: April 25, 2018
Description: Records related to general licenses authorized under federal and state regulations that apply to any person or entity who uses a device that contains radioactive material and does not require a Specific License. General Licenses are effective without the issuance of individual licensing documents and do not authorize the manufacture, production, transfer, receipt, possession, or use of radioactive material. Records include Quarterly reports submitted by manufacturers that detail devices containing radioactive material that are distributed to or removed from general licensees; Annual registration and fee records. Excludes items related to General License for Depleted Uranium pursuant to Chapter 391-3-17, Georgia Comp. R. and Regs.
Retention: 10 years
Updated: April 25, 2018
Description: Records related to licenses issued to a single person or entity who is manufacturing, transferring, receiving, possessing, disposing of, or using radioactive material as part of their business operations and whose manufacture, transfer, receipt, possession, disposal, or use of radioactive material is not covered under a General License. Records include Applications, Licenses, Amendments, Renewals, Correspondence, Notification Letters, Certification documents for medical professionals to administer radioactive treatments, Inspection Reports, Statements and Corrective Actions, Lines of Credit, Deposits, Insurance, and Collateral Information.
Retention: 10 years
Updated: April 25, 2018
Description: Allegations, Complaints, Incidents, or Medical Misadministration related to radioactive material, including but not limited to: Incident Summary, DOT Shipment Approval Forms, Correspondence, survey readings, dose estimates, theft, and related enforcement.
Retention: 10 years
Updated: April 25, 2018
Description: Georgia Exam Applications, Training roster schedules, Summary Reports
Retention: 5 years
Updated: April 25, 2018
Description: Documents related to permits issued pursuant to the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); Records include permit applications, issued permits, modifications to or renewals of permits, correspondence related to permits, documentation of public participation in permit issuance, modification, or renewal. Excludes documents subject to schedule 0462-0087.
Retention: 40 years after permit is superseded or terminated
Updated: April 18, 2019
Description: Files and information pertaining to the development of the Regional Water Plans. May include final plans, technical reports, data, forecasts, assessments, projections, Council meeting materials, guidance documents, white papers, and technical memos.
Retention: (0462-0077A) Final Plans: Permanent; (0462-0077B) All other files: 35 years
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: May include issued permits for Category I Dams, permit application, permit modifications, engineering plans and specifications for permitted dams, maps, construction reports, inspection reports, and related correspondence
Retention: (0462-0122A) Inspection reports, correspondence, construction reports: 10 years; (0462-0122B) All other files: Until superseded
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: May include inspection reports identifying violations, compliance status letters, compliance general correspondence, investigation reports, complaint documentation, letters to dam owners/operators documenting violations and requiring corrective action, penalty rationales for civil penalties assessed, progress reports, corrective action plans, and related engineering plans and specifications prepared as part of corrective action.
Retention: (0462-0124A) Engineering Plans and Specifications: Until superseded; (0462-0124B) All other files: 15 years
Updated: October 20, 2022
Description: Final approved Emergency Action Plans for regulated dams that identify potential emergency conditions at a dam and outline procedures to follow to minimize damage and potential loss of life in the event of dam failure.
Retention: Until superseded
Updated: October 20, 2022