Total entries: 79 (Listed alphabetically by title)
Description: Records documenting the administration of the operations of the Executive Assistant-Legal Office.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Provides payment documentation for the purchase of goods and services with federal grant funds.
Retention: 10 years after submission of final grant report and receipt of approval from US EPA to destroy records
Description: Documents relating to the procurement of funds for and the operation of federal-aid projects at state fisheries and game management sites.
Retention: 8 years
Description: Documents relating to the investigation of fish kills in the state due to pollution and non-pollution causes.
Retention: Public Fish Kill Investigation Files: Pollution-Cause Fish Kills - Permanent. All other records: 10 years
Description: Documents relating to the operation and administration of the Fisheries Section.
Retention: 5 years
Description: Records documenting the use of state aircraft.
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to the operation and administration of the law enforcement function of the division.
Retention: 3 years
Description: Reports of night deer hunting violations, illegal fishing (coast), and related documents.
Retention: 2 years after closure
Description: Documents relating to the operation and administration of the division, the establishment of polices and procedures, and the solving of problems throughout the state.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Photographs of historic sites and places around the state.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to the acquisition and ownership of property.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to retaining a permanent record of the official text of each historical marker.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Communications documenting the administration and functional operation of the historic sites section.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to administrative procedures supporting the section.
Retention: 2 years
Description: Records documenting research conducted in advance of the acquisition of a historic site and to document renovation and construction projects impacting the historic site.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to actions taken on complaints and request for information or material from the public.
Retention: 2 years
Description: Printed licenses which were never issued to dealers, and licenses issued to dealers which have been returned for credit against the dealer's account.
Retention: Hold until completion of audit following expiration of licenses
Description: Documents relating to the collection of fees for hunting and fishing licenses.
Retention: 1 year and completion of audit
Retention: 3 years after all legal action and fines against the violator are concluded.
Description: Documents relating to the conduct and reporting of results of audits of general and field offices.
Retention: Inactive Report File: destroy. Administrative Files: 3 years
Description: Documents relating to the acquisition of property by the department.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to inspection tours of Georgia state parks conducted by the Parks and Recreation subcommittee of the Georgia House of Representatives Recreation Committee. The inspection tours are conducted four times a year between June and October.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to providing recreation at the local level with assistance and guidance to those providers.
Retention: 3 years
Description: Correspondence relating to the maintenance and construction of state parks and dam safety.
Retention: 3 years
Description: Records documenting the lease of state marshlands to establish a marina.
Retention: Permanent