Total entries: 328 (Listed alphabetically by title)
Retention: Permanent
Retention: 1.5 years
Retention: Permanent
Description: Reporting (to the Maternal Health Section by each county of the State) health services to women during the child-bearing years.
Retention: Permanent
Retention: See original retention documentation for instructions
Retention: Years ending in 3: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.
Retention: Cut off annually and destroy
Retention: Magnetic disk: Retain until superseded. Monthly/Quarterly Reports COM: Retain until verification of Annual Updated Report. Annual Updated Report: 5 years or until audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.
Retention: Monthly/Quarterly Reports COM: 21 months. Annual Updated Report: 5 years or until audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.
Description: Maintaining a list of Georgia residents eligible for Medicaid assistance payments.
Retention: Monthly Reports COM: Retain until verification of following month's report. Annual Report COM: 5 years or after audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.
Description: The licensing of hospitals and nursing homes in Georgia which participate in the Medical Assistance Program.
Retention: Files for years ending in 0: Permanent. All other files: 4 years.
Description: Maintaining annual financial statements of payments made to Medicaid nursing homes and to clarifying cost adjustments (supplementary or refunded payments) to the financial statements.
Retention: 4 years or after audit resolved, whichever is longer
Description: Paying Medicaid providers for services rendered to Medicaid clients.
Retention: Security copy microfilm: 7 years. Office copies microfilm: 3 years. Provider Invoice Form: Retain until microfilm verified.
Description: The overpayments of Medicaid Assistance Funds to Medicaid Vendors (Physicians, hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities) and the subsequent refunding of these overpayments to the Department of Human Resources.
Retention: 4 years
Description: Determining eligibility of Medicare (federally-funded and operated programs) recipients for supplemental Medicaid assistance (state-operated programs).
Retention: Monthly Reports COM: Retain until verification of Annual Updated Report. Annual Report COM: 5 years or after audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.
Description: Authorizing qualified Emergency Medical Technicians to render patient care which has been legally approved for their level of training.
Retention: 1 year after termination of Medical First Responder License
Description: The licensing of hospitals and nursing homes in Georgia which participate in the Medical Assistance Program - Title XVIII.
Retention: Files for years ending in 0: Permanent. All other files: 4 years.
Description: Requests for all services and treatment for individuals who apply for services for retardation disabilities in the State.
Retention: Central Registry and Institutions: 35 years after individual is ineligible for service
Retention: Retain until superseded
Retention: 5 years
Description: Listing each employee's retirement salary and contribution amount on a monthly basis.
Retention: 4 years
Retention: Retain until equipment salvaged or transferred from the inventory.
Retention: See instructions
Retention: 1 year
Retention: Retain until posted to equipment historical record files
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