Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Department of

Total entries: 221   (Listed alphabetically by title)

1981-0445 | Mental Health/Mental Retardation Facility Plan Files (ESP Unit Record Copy)

Description:  Collecting four-year plans submitted annually by 34 community centers, 10 institutions, 8 consortia, and the drug abuse plan for Metro Atlanta, and evaluations by the ESP Unit of those plans.

Retention:  Permanent

1982-0548 | Mental Health/Mental Retardation Hospital/Institution Patient Dental Record Case Files (Active Recor

Description:  Maintaining records of dental services performed for patients at the respective state-financed hospitals and institutions.

Retention:  35 years

1981-0434 | Mental Heatlh Patient/Client Interstate Compact Case History Files

Description:  Transferring patients/clients from one State hospital to another within Georgia or to or from another state.

Retention:  7 years after case is closed

1976-0244A | Mental Retardation Area Developmental Service Chiefs Budget and Fiscal Files

Description:  Monitoring and reviewing funds spent by 27 Mental Retardation Area Development Service Chiefs.

Retention:  Record copy: 5 years. Reference copy: 2 years

1983-0008 | Mental Retardation Community Residential Services Budget and Program Files

Description:  Reviewing and monitoring funds spent and programmatic activity for MR Community Residential Services Programs statewide.

Retention:  4 years

1976-0245A | Mental Retardation County Day Service Center Budget and Fiscal Files

Description:  Monitoring and reviewing funds spent by County MR Day Service Centers.

Retention:  Record copy: 5 years. Reference copy: 2 years

1976-0274 | Mental Retardation Day Service Center Program Monitoring Files


Retention:  Record copy: 5 years. Reference copy: 2 years

1976-0276 | Mental Retardation Group Home Fiscal Files


Retention:  5 years

1976-0275 | Mental Retardation Group Home Program Files

Description:  Receiving and reviewing proposals for the establishment and administration of Group Home Programs.

Retention:  5 years

1976-0273A | Mental Retardation Section Director’s Subject Files

Description:  All areas of interest and responsibility of the Director of Mental Retardation Section.

Retention:  4 years

1976-0272A | Mental Retardation Section Program and Staff Development Files

Description:  Identifying program and staff strengths and weaknesses and activities initiated to upgrade same.

Retention:  5 years

1983-0084 | MH/MRIS - Monthly Inquiry Log

Description:  Maintaining a record of time frequency distribution and performance of functions for the Inquiry module.

Retention:  4 years

1977-0149 | Modified Diet Statistics Files


Retention:  1 year

1977-0153 | National School Lunch Program Files (Institution Accounting Office)


Retention:  5 years or until audit resolved

1977-0153 | National School Lunch Program Files (Institution Nutrition Services Section)


Retention:  3 years, 3 months

1977-0153 | National School Lunch Program Files (Stock Status Report)


Retention:  1 year

1978-0265 | Nursing - Patient Condition Report Files


Retention:  3 months

1978-0297 | Nursing Care and Treatment Service Schedule


Retention:  3 months

1992-0001 | OBRA Determination Record File

Description:  Annual records determining whether or not an individual with mental illness (MI), mental retardation (MR), or developmental (DD) meets Medicaid eligibility to receive care in a Medicaid participating nursing facility.

Retention:  5 years

1974-0431 | Operation Order and Schedule Files


Retention:  3 months

1979-0245 | Operational Report Files (Monetary Edit Reports)


Retention:  2 years

1979-0245 | Operational Report Files (Non-Monetary Edit Reports - All files except for Medicare-Medicaid Clients


Retention:  Retain for useful life

1979-0245 | Operational Report Files (Non-Monetary Edit Reports - Files for Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  5 years

1973-0501 | Orientation and Briefing Files

Description:  Documents relating to used in orientations and briefings given to top management, visitors, or State officials about the mission, functions, and physical layout of the hospital/institution.

Retention:  Retain for useful life

1974-0448 | Orthopedic Work Order Files


Retention:  2 years

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