Total entries: 6 (Listed alphabetically by title)
Description: Documents relating to the recording of comments of visitors to the Georgia Agrirama on various aspects of its operation. Included are annual compilation of comments of Visitor Questionnaire Files, recording information on reason for visiting Agrirama, areas of most and least interest, period of representation of museum, admission price, names, address, and numbers in visiting parties, and age groups.
Retention: Permanent
Description: Recording the amount of revenue taken in from ticket sales to museum, country store, and concession stand.
Retention: 3 years
Description: Articles from periodicals relating to Georgia Agrirama Development Authority.
Retention: Permanent
Retention: Permanent
Description: Recording ticket sales for admission to museum.
Retention: 1 year or until audit is complete, whichever is longer
Description: Recording comments of visitors to the Georgia Agrirama on various aspects of its operation.
Retention: Until annual analysis of visitors compiled