Total entries: 126 (Listed alphabetically by title)
Description: Documents relating to the consumer protection inspector's daily activities
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the consumer protection inspectors' daily activities
Retention: 12 months
Description: Reports documenting the inspection of nursery grown plants for pests.
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the receipt of funds from the public by the various offices of the Department as a result of their daily operations
Retention: 4 years
Description: Documents relating to licensing and permitting the sale of dairy products in Georgia
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to the inspection of dairy plants as submitted daily by dairy inspectors
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the labels on cartons used for dairy products
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to Declaration of a manufacturer, refiner, wholesaler, or jobber to sell petroleum products in Georgia, and listing the Brand or Trade Mark of each product
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to all areas of interest to a particular division
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to the permanent authorization of persons to candle and/or grade eggs in Georgia
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the permanent authorization of individuals to buy and sell eggs at wholesale or retail in Georgia
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to reporting results of sanitation inspections conducted in abattoirs and meat packing plants
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to feed samples found by laboratory analysis to be in violation of the Georgia Feed Act of 1970
Retention: 5 years
Description: Documents relating to feed samples which were found by laboratory analysis to be in compliance with the Georgia Feed Act of 1970
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to fertilizer samples found to be out of compliance with requirements of the Georgia Plant Food Act and its rules and regulations
Retention: 5 years
Description: Documents relating to fertilizer samples found to be in compliance with the Georgia Plant Food Act and its rules and regulations
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the results of laboratory tests of finished milk products
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to the enforcement of the GA Food Act and State Regulations governing manufacture, storage and sale of food items
Retention: 3 months
Description: Documents relating to supervising and regulating the fuel industry and assuring that weighing and measuring devices are accurate
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents relating to daily activities of the Fuel Oil Mobile Calibrating Unit, listing oil companies, services stations, and/or dealers oil pumps calibrated and the results of these calibrations
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to inspecting the calibration of fuel oil pumps metering devices
Retention: 12 months
Description: Documents relating to the unauthorized feeding of garbage to swine
Retention: 12 months
Description: Documents relating to the inspection of the facilities of swine owners feeding their animals on garbage
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the three (3) year operation of the Commodity Commission (soybeans, cotton, apples, tobacco, peaches, sweet potatoes, eggs, peanuts, and milk) for research, education, and promotion of the affected agricultural products
Retention: Permanent
Description: Documents issued by the State of Georgia attesting to the absence of contagious or infectious diseases in livestock which is to be sold in Georgia
Retention: 5 years