Total entries: 126 (Listed alphabetically by title)
Description: Documents relating to the issuance of permanent permits to import manufactured milk products
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the labeling by meat processing plants of their products to show ingredients used in the product
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to inspecting the manufacture of feeds to determine compliance with the law and adherence to advised formulas
Retention: 3 years
Description: Documents relating to calibrating milk tanks
Retention: Hold Report in active files until Milk Tank is recalibrated; withdraw previous report from files and destroy
Description: Documents relating to inspecting and licensing nurserymen and nursery dealers in Georgia
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to collecting and analyzing seed offered for sale in Georgia
Retention: 3 years
Description: Documents relating to Fuel Oil Inspection Unit - Inspectors Daily Reports
Retention: 6 months
Description: Documents relating to laboratory analysis of petroleum products offered for sale in Georgia
Retention: Retain for useful life
Description: Documents relating to the controls and methods used in the analysis of samples in several laboratories by the Laboratories Division***
Retention: Retain for useful life
Description: Documents issued by states other than Georgia attesting to the absence of contagious or infectious diseases in livestock which is to be moved to Georgia.
Retention: 5 years
Description: Documents relating to out-of-state nurseries authorized to ship plants into Georgia
Retention: Retain until superseded
Description: Payroll journals documenting wages paid to department employees.
Retention: 6 years
Description: Documents relating to permanent registration of commercial fertilizer offered for sale in Georgia
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the issuing of a permanent license to sell seed in Georgia
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to authorizing the movement of animals for the purpose of controlling diseases of livestock
Retention: 3 years
Description: Documents relating to the movement of livestock to be slaughtered
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to annual licensing of all businesses located within Georgia engaged in contracting for applicationof pesticides
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to registering pesticides annually for distribution in Georgia
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to annual registration of pesticides for distribution and use in Georgia
Retention: 2 years
Description: Documents relating to the sampling and analysis of pesticides found to be out of compliance with Georgia law and copies of any enforcement actions taken
Retention: 4 years
Description: Documents relating to sampling and analysis of pesticides which are found to be in compliance with Georgia law
Retention: 1 year
Description: The results of sanitation inspections conducted in abattoirs and meat packing plants.
Retention: 3 years or until federal audit is resolved, whichever is sooner
Description: Documents relating to the operation of pits for disposal of poultry carcasses
Retention: Retain for useful life
Description: Documents relating to poultry disposal pit inspections which show violations of the poultry carcasses regulations and the disposition of the violations
Retention: 1 year
Description: Documents relating to the inspection of plants processing poultry products for market
Retention: 6 months