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Investigation, Georgia Bureau of [ Total entries: 48 ]
Description: Investigating background of applicants for employment with the GBI.
Retention: Rejected Applicants: 3 years. All Others: Transfer to Active Individual Personnel File.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Arresting suspects for all types of criminal activity.
Retention: 23 years.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Conversion of fingerprints from paper documents to State of Georgia Automated Fingerprint Identification System.
Retention: 4 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Conversion of fingerprints from paper documents to State of Georgia Automated Fingerprint Identification System.
Retention: Retain for useful life
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Conversion of fingerprints from paper documents to optical disks.
Retention: 3 months
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Documents relating to organizations licensed by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to conduct bingo games.
Retention: 5 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: The licensing of organizations by the Georgia Bureau of Investigations to conduct bingo games (OCGA 16-12-50 thru 62).
Retention: 7 years after file becomes inactive.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Computerized Criminal, History Records.
Retention: 70 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Investigation of evidence by scientific examination and investigation of suspicious deaths by medical examiners.
Retention: See original documentation.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Administering the Crime Prevention Unit.
Retention: Permanent
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: The nation-wide collecting and disseminating of information on criminal activity to law enforcement agencies.
Retention: Record Copy: 20 years. Reference Copies: 1 year.
Vital Record: FALSE
Retention: Random Sample: Permanent.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Investigative Division Criminal Case Files whose subject matter is non violent offenses
Retention: Retain 20 years
Legal Citation: O.C.G.A. 17-3-1(c.1)
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Investigative Division Criminal Case Files whose subject matter is a serious violent felony as defined by OCGA 17-10-6.1
Retention: 50 years
Legal Citation: O.C.G.A. 17-3-1(c.1)
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Records documenting the operation of the early warning system
Retention: Retain 50 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Exit interviews with staff leaving the agency
Retention: Retain 4 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Reporting information on criminal activity in Georgia to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Retention: 3 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Administering the Georgia Crime Information Center.
Retention: 3 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Establishing and recording the proceedings of the GCIC Council.
Retention: Permanent
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Developing and conducting the training program for G.C.I.C. employees.
Retention: 2 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Compliance audits files of Georgia's criminal justice agencies.
Retention: 4 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Administration of the Implied Consent Section of the State Crime Laboratory.
Retention: 2 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Administering active State employees and to maintaining records needed for documentation during their employment.
Retention: 72 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Inspecting Regional offices and Headquarters Squads.
Retention: 5 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Persons arrested or suspected of criminal activity or persons that were victims of crimes.
Retention: Record Copy: Permanent. Reference Copies: 3 years.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Records documenting internal investigations
Retention: Retain 50 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Investigation of GBI employees
Retention: 4 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Evaluating the performance of Intoximeter machines and operators.
Retention: 6 months
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Confidential Sources/Informants.
Retention: 10 years after informant becomes inactive.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Administration of the Investigative Division, including all region offices, of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Retention: 1 year
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Processing latent prints received from various law enforcement agencies.
Retention: 20 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Master Criminal Fingerprint Card File.
Retention: 57 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Documentation of all investigative leads that were generated in the case .
Retention: 10 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: The daily and monthly Work activity/productivity of sworn personnel of the Investigative Division of the GBI. Records are maintained on GBI Form 040.
Retention: 10 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Entering information on outstanding warrants into a central computer.
Retention: Retain for useful life
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Entering information on outstanding warrants into a central computer.
Retention: 2 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Entering information on outstanding warrants into a central computer.
Retention: 4 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Entering information on outstanding warrants into a central computer.
Retention: See instructions
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Entering information on outstanding warrants into a central computer.
Retention: See instructions
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Entering information on outstanding warrants into a central computer.
Retention: See instructions.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Entering information on outstanding warrants into a central computer.
Retention: See instructions
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Maintaining proofs and negatives of photographs taken as part of GBI Regional office investigation.
Retention: File as part of regional office Criminal Investigation Files
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Taking photographs of autopsies, fingerprints, crime scenes, documents, physical evidence.
Retention: Historical sample: Permanent. All others: 50 years.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Administering polygraphs examinations.
Retention: 23 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Payments made for purchase of evidence, information and miscellaneous expenses.
Retention: See instructions.
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Providing a transcript of radio communications.
Retention: 1 year
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Reporting criminal investigations opened by the GBI on a daily basis.
Retention: 1 year
Vital Record: FALSE
Description: Corresponding with various officials and individuals concerning possible criminal cases and activities.
Retention: 10 years
Vital Record: FALSE
Georgia Archives, 5800 Jonesboro Road, Morrow, GA 30260