The Georgia Archives will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25 for the Christmas Holiday. The Archives will also be closed Wednesday, January 1 for the New Years’ Day Holiday.
CATEGORY: PROPERTY (18) [ Total entries: 35 (showing 20 per page) ]
Description: Records documenting the purchase of real property by an agency; does not include deeds or titles.
Retention: 5 years after project completion
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Monitoring of the construction of local government facilities.
Retention: 7 years after project completion
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Plans and specifications of government-owned facilities
Retention: Retain for life of building.
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Provides a record of the planning, administration, and implementation of capital construction projects; includes project descriptions and requirements, bid records, plan reviews, project schedules, contract changes, consultant contracts, and budgets.
Retention: 11 years after completion of project
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting useful life and depreciation of agency-owned equipment and property, usually for insurance purposes.
Retention: 4 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting the purchase of agency-owned vehicles.
Retention: 5 years after disposition of equipment
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting inspection of facilities to comply with standards, rules, and codes affecting health and safety of the occupants; includes security and safety inspections.
Retention: (LG-18-0088A) Building Age 0-8 years: 11 years; (LG-18-008B) Building Age 9-up year: 3 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting security measures and procedures.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting the loan or lease of federal government equipment.
Retention: 7 years after expiration of contract or disposal of equipment
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Periodic reports of the consumption of diesel, gas, and oil in government-owned vehicles.
Retention: 3 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Periodic reports of taxable and nontaxable diesel fuel usage by government-owned vehicles.
Retention: 3 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting the lease of government equipment (federal or state) by local governments.
Retention: 7 years after expiration of lease
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting requests for payment of insurance claims.
Retention: 5 years after claim is paid or denied
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting insurance purchase for agency facilities or of membership in risk management cooperatives.
Retention: 7 years after expiration of policy or membership
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting the leasing or renting of land, buildings, or facilities.
Retention: 7 years after expiration (or termination) of contract
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Includes purchase orders, warranties, operating manuals, service contracts, and service logs for maintenance of agency-owned equipment and vehicles.
Retention: 5 years after disposition of equipment
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Documents the condition, upkeep, and routine maintenance on agency facilities and grounds.
Retention: 6 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Schedules for maintenance of agency-owned equipment and vehicles
Retention: 5 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting routine maintenance on facilities and property.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: October 20, 2016
Description: Records documenting reservation and use of motor pool vehicles by agency personnel and gasoline usage by motor pool vehicles.
Retention: 5 years
Updated: October 20, 2016