Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

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Local Government Record Retention Schedules

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CATEGORY:  ADMINISTRATION (01)   [ Total entries: 42 (showing 20 per page) ]

LG-01-024 | Historic Preservation Files

Description:  Records documenting preservation of local landmarks and buildings.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-025 | Maps, Plats, and Drawings

Description:  Records documenting the location of roads, subdivisions, water, and sewage lines.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-002-A and LG-01-002-B | Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Packets

Description:  Records documenting proposed and executed proceedings of agency meetings.

Retention:  Minutes and approved attachments: Permanent; All other records: 5 years

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-026 | Meeting Notices

Description:  Official notification of the time and place of regular and special meetings.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-041 | Milestone Event Record

Description:  Speeches and records documenting events marking a milestone in the local government.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-027 | Open Records Act Requests and Correspondence

Description:  Inquiries from members of the public requesting access to information under the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A 50-18-70 et.seq.).

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-028 | Petitions

Description:  Signatures of local residents requesting action by an agency on a specific issue.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-031 | Photographs or Videos - Other

Description:  With no historical significance

Retention:  Retain for useful life.

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-030 | Photographs or Videos for Maintenance or Project Records

Description:  Pictures collected by public works, parks, and community development departments during the course of performing and/or documenting routine work and maintenance.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-029 | Photographs or Videos of Historical SignificancePhotographs or Videos of Historical Significance

Description:  Aerial and other photographs of county property and functions.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-032 | Policies and Procedures

Description:  Standard operating practice for business processes

Retention:  Permanent. Retain 1 copy

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-033 | Printing Service Files

Description:  Includes printing requests, cost estimates, mock-ups, proofs, and printing plates.

Retention:  Retain for useful life.

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-034A and LG-01-034B | Project or Grant Applications

Description:  Applications for awards, grants, projects, et cetera.

Retention:  (LG-01-034A) 2 years, if not awarded. (LG-01-034A) Otherwise, 7 years after completion or award.

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-035 | Publications

Description:  Newsletters, handbooks, pamphlets, and brochures published by the agency.

Retention:  Permanent. Retain 1 copy

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-036 | Relocation Assistance Files

Description:  Records documenting financial assistance to individuals searching for new homes under the Community Development Program.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-037 | Reports, Periodic

Description:  Quarterly and other narrative reports (not annual) that describe agency functions and activities.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-038 | Resolutions and Ordinances

Description:  Local laws and actions adopted by the board of county commissioners.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-039 | Right-of-Way Agreements

Description:  Agreements with property owners specifying the terms of access to property for public works purposes.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-040 | Special Event Records

Description:  Speeches and records that reflect special events held or approved by the local government. E.g. parades, art show, auto show, craft show, holiday events.

Retention:  5 years after the event

Updated:  October 20, 2016

LG-01-042 | Surveillance Video (Static)

Description:  Building or departmental video that monitors activities or traffic of a department or building.

Retention:  180 days

Updated:  October 20, 2016

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