Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

Records Management Training and Professional Development

Records Management Training

The Georgia Archives offers records management trainings by request to state and local government agencies. The trainings are tailored to attendees’ needs. Agencies can request to have one of the trainings listed below, a combination of different trainings, or submit specific topics that they want to be covered. Most of the trainings are given online using Microsoft Teams; however, other options are available. The trainings tend to run between one and two hours. Agencies can request to have trainings on multiple days to cover a variety of topics or to include all employees. Contact Christine Garrett, for more information or to request a training.

Basic Records Management – This training is an introduction to records management for government employees. Topics covered include the lifecycle of records, records retention, proper storage, and other records topics that are useful for employees to better manage their records and understand their role in their agency’s records management program.

RMO Training – An RMO, Records Management Officer, is the government agency employee responsible for the agency’s records management program. This course discusses RMO duties and responsibilities, procedures for updating records retention schedules, and records management.

Records Inventory – This training is designed for government agencies that do not have physical control over some or all of their records. Attendees learn how to identify records, implement records retention schedules, and organize the remaining records.

Digitizing Records – Many government agencies have limited space to house their records and have turned to scanning them as a way to reduce the amount of office space that is taken up by records. In this training, attendees learn about the legality of the use of electronic scans as surrogates for paper records, considerations to take into account prior to starting a scanning project, and electronic records management.

Electronic Records – This course builds on the Basic Records Management training to instruct government agency employees on how to manage electronic records throughout their lifecycles.

Disaster Planning – This training highlights on the key topics covered in the IPER Essential Records Webinar.

The State Records Center – State agencies are required by law to store their inactive temporary records at the State Records Center O.C.G.A. §50‐18‐94(5). USG, TCSG, and local governments may also use the facility for storing records. This training discusses the policies and procedures of the State Records Center, including fees, records transmittal, records requests, and records destruction. A tour of the facility is given to those attendees who visit the SRC.

New Records Management Officer (RMO) Training – Topics covered in this course include basic records management, RMO duties, electronic records and digitization, the role of the GA Archives, records retention schedules revision, the State Records Center, and permanent records storage at the GA Archives. While the intended audience for this training is new RMOs, RMOs of all experience levels may attend. NEW!