1827 Land Lottery
1827 Land Lottery in Georgia
Authority: Act of June 9, 1825 (1825 ex Ga. Laws p. 3)
Date of Drawing: 1827
- Carroll: 16 districts (1-16)
- Coweta: 9 districts (1-9)
- Lee: 13 districts (1-13)
- Muscogee: 24 districts (1-24)
- Troup: 12 districts (1-12)
Size of Land Lots
- All counties: 202 ½ acres
Grant Fee
Person Entitled to Draw
- Bachelor, 18 years or over, 3-year residence in Georgia, citizen of United States - 1 draw
- Married man with wife or son under 18 years or unmarried daughter, 3-year residence in Georgia, citizen of United States – 2 draws
- Widow, 3-year residence in Georgia – 1 draw
- Wife and/or child, 3-year residence in Georgia, husband and/or father absent from state for 3 years – 1 draw
- Family (one or two ) of orphans under 18 years whose father is dead, 3-year residence in state or since birth – 1 draw
- Family (three or more) of orphans under 18 years, 3-year residence in state or since birth – 2 draws
- Widow, husband killed in Revolutionary War, War of 1812, or Indian War, 3-year residence in Georgia – 2 draws
- Orphan, father killed in War of 1812 or Indian War - 2 draws
- Wounded or disabled veteran of War of 1812 or Indian War, unable to work - 2 draws
- Veteran of Revolutionary War – 2 draws
- Veteran of Revolutionary War who had been a fortunate drawer in any previous Lottery – 1 draw
- Child or children of convict, 3-year residence in Georgia – 1 draw
- Male idiots, lunatics or insane, deaf and dumb, or blind, over 10 years and under 18 years, 3-year residence in Georgia – 1 draw
- Female idiots, insane or lunatics, deaf and dumb, or blind, over 10 years, 3-year residence in Georgia – 1 draw
- Family (one or two) of illegitimates under 18 years, residence since birth in Georgia – 1 draw
- Family (three or more) of illegitimates under 18 years, residence since birth in Georgia – 2 draws
- Child or children of a convict whose father had not drawn in any of the former land lotteries – entitled to a draw or draws in the same manner they would be entitled if they were orphans
Persons Excluded
- Any fortunate drawer in any previous Land Lottery.
- Citizens who volunteered or were legally drafted in the War of 1812 or the Indian War and who refused to serve a tour of duty in person or by substitute.
- Anyone who may have deserted from military service.
- Any tax defaulter or absconded for debt.
- Any convict in the penitentiary.
How do I find the names of the winners?
- Reprint of Official Register of Land Lottery of Georgia 1827, comp. by Martha Lou Houston; index prepared by Silas Emmett Lucas Jr.. (Easley, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1986).