The Georgia Archives will be closed Saturday, January 18, 2025 and Monday, January 20, 2025 for Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
When you enter the Archives you will be facing the Customer Service Desk where you will register and get a research card.
Registration is required for access to the Reference Room. To register, you must complete the registration form in its entirety, and present one of the following forms of identification:
Driver’s license or other state photo ID card issued by Department of Motor Vehicles
U.S. state, county, or city government employee ID
ID from an accredited college/university/high school
U.S. military ID
U.S. passport
Passport issued by a U.S. recognized foreign government.
The completed registration form and one of these forms of identification are required in order to register as a patron at the Georgia Archives and receive access to the Reference Room.
Self- service copies and printouts cost $.20 per page from books, periodicals, and computers, and $.30 per page from microfilm/microfiche or original records. Payment is made on the honor system. When you are ready to leave for the day, total the number of copies you made from the books and folders, as well as the number of copies from the microfilm, and report it to the staff at the Reference Desk. They will provide you with a yellow payment slip to take to the Customer Service Desk, where you will pay for your copies before you leave. Failure to pay for copies will result in the loss of research privileges.
If there are problems with any machine, please do not continue to make copies. Please ask staff for assistance; this will help us keep costs down by limiting waste of paper and toner. Please limit your use of equipment to one hour if other researchers are waiting. You may use your personal flash drive to save images from the computers and the microfilm reader/printers at no cost.
Reproductions of original documents will be coordinated by staff in the Original Documents Reading Area. Prices vary based on type of materials and equipment required for reproduction.
There is a microwave in the Patron Lounge. There is no refrigerator or sink in the Lounge. The Georgia Archives is closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 PM and all patrons must leave the building. There are several fast-food and sit-down restaurants available within a few miles of the Archives.
To ensure the safety of the materials, certain items are prohibited in the Reference Room, Microfilm Library, and Original Documents Reading Area, including food, drinks, tobacco products, ink pens, markers, highlighters, colored pencils, scissors, tape, Post-it® notes or similar self-adhesive notes, copiers of any type, enclosed items (including, but not limited to, briefcases, purses, fanny packs, bags, pencil cases, envelopes – even if clear), umbrellas, coats, scarves, gloves and other outerwear and any item staff deems a security risk. If a coat is necessary for your personal comfort, it may be worn in the Reference Room and it must be removed for inspection by Security upon your departure. No coats are permitted in the Original Document Reading Area.
Firearms or weapons of any type are not permitted.
Microfilm or other media from external sources may not be brought into the Reference Room. Personal flash drives may be used to store images of documents from Archives computers and microfilm readers. No software, images, or information may be loaded onto Archives computers.
Original historic documents or records from external sources may not be brought into the Reference Room.
Personal copiers/scanners are not permitted.
Lockers are available for storage of prohibited items. Please see the Lockers section for more details.
All researchers must show a valid, government issued photo i.d. and register before entering the research areas. (See Access for details). Registration is valid for 5 years.